Today, we see that our children are exposed to media and a constant technological advancing world. The result is that our children know much more about sex, makeup, how to look good, expensive brands, boyfriends etc, then we knew at their age. My daughters are aged 11 and 6 years, but both surprise me with their demands and knowledge of things around them. In this article, we talk about Let Kids Be Kids . Most of the time we hear parents say that their children have grown up fast. There are extreme reactions – one moment we find that they are tightly hugging their teddy bear and talking cutely, while the next moment they are talking about their crush on pop stars and film stars. - 15% How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk Rs. 399 Rs. 337 Buy This Item - 8% How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with... Rs. 399 Rs. 365 Buy This Item - 34% Smart Parentin...