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Being Busy – Stop being too busy in your life Dsouza Pricilla

All of us very often hear words such as, “I am very busy” or many times we ourselves use these words. Everyone at some point of time gets entangled in the busyness of life. Some people even feel proud that they are so busy that they do not have enough time for themselves or for their families. However, in reality it is time you stop being too busy for yourself and take a moment to introspect your life.

Some of the tips to help you to stop being too busy with your lives are listed below :

1. Stop saying that I am too busy in life.

First and foremost stop saying that “you are too busy”. Many a time whenever people ask us how have you been, the first automatic answer that many of us give is that we are very busy. We think that by saying that we are very busy, people will think that we are successful and will get inspired by us.

However, in reality it is not the case. If you really want  to answer that question then you should talk about your work or accomplishments a little bit more. Try and redefine your success. Make priority for things that are valuable in life.  Balance your ambition with contentment to enjoy life to its fullest.

2. Try and avoid burnout in your life.

Many people suffer extreme stress due to their packed schedule. People are so busy with their work and commitments, that there is hardly any time for rest and recuperation. The result is that at a very young age many people get burnt out leading to many health complications. Stress is one of the most important factors that has given rise to many complications.

3. Start taking time out for family and friends.

It is important to keep the weekends and  holidays for rest and recuperation. Most of the time people feel that they are indispensable and that things will collapse if they are not around. However in reality that is not the case. Nobody is indispensable, the earlier you get it the better for you.  Balance your work and home. Try and take time out for yourselves like self care, short vacations, daily exercise, meditation, listening to good music, having prayer time etc. This will give you a sense of comfort and calmness and make you more peaceful.

4. Avoid multi-tasking, as it makes you feel very busy.

As most of us are hard pressed for time, we try to multi-task our activities. We try to cook a meal while watching our favourite TV show etc. The result is that our brain is doing too many things at one time and it is not able to focus. Many experts have warned against multitasking.  Take time to see, feel and understand the things around you.

Take time to sit with your family members to chat and do nothing else.  Make time for family dinners, ask your children about their school life or college etc. This will help you rejuvenate and work best in your work time.

5. Start being assertive and saying “No” to things .

Most of the time people are constantly trying to live up to the expectations of others. They want to please everyone around them. The result is that they feel stressed and unhappy.

It is time to allocate your time to do things that are important to you. Family should definitely be a main part of your “list of important” things. Avoid spending time on things that are not productive or things that you don’t like doing. Take some time to understand what are your priorities in life and then take time out to meet those priorities.

6. Avoid being exhausted and tired all the time.

When you are very busy in life, you seem to be moving from one checklist to another. Your mind keeps wandering from one job to another. You are unable to enjoy the present. It feels like you are the “Jack of all trades, but master of none”.

When you see these signs, it  is time to slow down. Spend time in prayer, connect to God and you will find peace and rest. In my case reading encouraging Bible verses gives me strength and comfort. Play some good soothing music (for me it is Christian worship music) which will help you to calm down and relax.

7. Take control of the situation, if you are failing in a number of areas in your life.

When you are too stressed out or too busy, you start failing in a number of areas in your life. You are not able to meet commitments, both on the personal front and on the professional front. There are too many projects which demand your attention and you are not able to focus and deliver. The stress of doing too many things gives you a hard time focusing on one thing. You are constantly unhappy and  stressed.  It is time to ease down and take things under control. Start doing things which are absolutely necessary and let go of all secondary and unnecessary things.

8. Start delegating things.

When you have too many things on your plate, then it is time to start delegating to your family, colleagues and friends. Stop doing everything on your own . You can easily delegate things which can be done by others.

This will give you more time to focus on the important things in your life. Keep an overall watch on the delegated things but let the people around you take responsibility for their actions.

Some of things to be avoided so that we can give ourselves more time are listed below :

  • Avoid spending time watching tv programs.
  • Avoid too much of social media interactions like whatsupp, facebook, instagram.
  • Restrict the time spent on phone Texting, chatting or even talking on the phone.
  • Spend time with your children and at times act like children i.e being happy with the small pleasures of life.
  • Volunteer your time for charity or other good works. It will give you a sense of fulfillment.

These are some ways to keep yourself away from being too busy, so that you can enjoy life.


The post Being Busy – Stop being too busy in your life appeared first on Smart Woman World.

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