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Health Benefits of Apples Lucy Baxter

Apple is one of the most nutritious fruits which is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is easily available throughout the year.  There are many varieties of apples but some of the common ones are red, yellow and green apples. The skin of the apples are thin and the inner flesh is thick, white and juicy.  The apple seeds should never be eaten as they are dangerous for your health. In today’s post, we will delineate some of the Health Benefits of Apples.

There is a famous quote which says “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Health benefits of Apples

1. Apples help in the digestion process.

Apples are rich in fibre and help in the digestive process. Regular consumption of apples helps in smooth bowel movement.  It helps in preventing constipation and other stomach disorders.  It is good to include apple in your regular diet for people suffering from digestive diseases.

2.  Apple helps in boosting the immune system.

Apples are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which help in boosting your immunity.  The quercetin antioxidant found in the apples helps in strengthening the immune system. Further, it helps in detoxifying the body and improving your overall health.  

  1. Apples are good for your teeth.

Apple helps in cleaning both teeth and gums when it is being eaten.  Apples are loaded with fibres and antibacterial properties which helps in cleansing the teeth. Further apples also help in secreting saliva which has alkaline properties which help in reducing the ability of multiplication of bacteria.

  1. Apples help in preventing heart diseases.

Apples are loaded with antioxidant properties which helps in reducing the oxidation of the fats. The antioxidants and the flavonoids reduce the inflammation in the blood vessels. It helps in regulating the blood pressure in the body.

The soluble fibre helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body thereby preventing the cardiovascular diseases. Eating apples regularly in your diet reduces the bad cholesterol and helps in increasing the good cholesterol.

  1. Apples are good for your bones.

The high presence of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in the apples help in promoting the bone density.  Eating apples in the regular diet have helped in reducing the inflammatory diseases like arthritis etc.

  1. Apples boost brain health.

Apples have antioxidants which help in improving concentration, problem solving and memory. Regular intake of apples in your diet will prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Apples help in reducing the free radical activity which is the main cause of Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Apples help in improving vision.

Apples in your regular diet help in preventing macular generation, cataracts and other eye diseases. Apples are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids which reduce the impact of free radicals on the eyes.

  1. Apples help in the weight loss process.

Apples are loaded with fibres which makes us feel full and reduces the appetite.  Apples also help in increasing the metabolism thereby burning the calories. Apples are one of the most favourable fruit post exercises.

  1. Apples help in treating anaemia

Apples are rich in iron which helps in increasing the red blood cells. Apples help in increasing the blood circulation in the body. It is good to include apples in your regular diet.

Some of the key tips to buy apples are listed below.

  • While buying apples see that they are firm and fresh.
  • Avoid buying shiny apples as they are waxed instead try and buy organic apples.
  • Do not buy apples which are soft or wrinkled or bruised.
  • Avoid storing rotten apples with other fresh ones as the others are bound to get rotten soon.

Some of the uses of apples are listed below:

  • Apples can be eating raw or in fruit salads, custards, ice creams, pie etc.
  • Fresh apple juice is also very healthy.
  • Avoid eating seeds as they are harmful and dangerous.
  • The oil extracted from apple is used in the cosmetic industry.

These are some of the important benefits of apples. Apples are loaded with nutrients and are easily available throughout the year. Therefore ensure that you include apples in your regular diet.

Hope you enjoyed this article Health Benefits of Apples.

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The post Health Benefits of Apples appeared first on Smart Woman World.

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