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How to Build Resilience in Your Children Dsouza Pricilla

Recently a research suggested that one of the most important things for children to succeed is to build their resilience level. Life is very challenging for children these days. They are in an environment which is constantly changing and stressful. Today children have a lot on their schedule for e.g in addition to academics, they also have sports, extracurricular activities like singing, dancing, learning musical instruments etc. They are hard-pressed for time. In this post we talk about How to Build Resilience in Your Children.

In addition to these, they are constantly stressed to do the best in everything that they are doing. These challenging and stressful situations can break them. Therefore it is very important to teach resilience to children.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from stress, challenge, adversity or even trauma. Teaching resilience to children helps them to face these life challenges with courage and calmness. The greatest thing about resilience is that it is not genetically inherited but it can be very much taught right from childhood. The right approach to any difficult situation can help build their resilience level and shape their future.

How to Build Resilience in Your Children

  1. Surround your children with a love and support.

Children who become successful are the ones who are loved and supported at home. Motivate and encourage your child to do better. When things are tough, speak to them and give them your unconditional love and support. They need to know that it is fine to do mistakes.

As a Christian, I share encouraging scriptures which are apt for any particular situation with my children. This gives them the comfort that God loves them unconditionally and he has a special unique plan for each of us. Once they know that unconditionally loved and supported, they will have high self-confidence and self-esteem. This will help them to deal positively with any failures or challenges.

  1. Teach them to be an optimist and try again when they fall down.

It is important to teach your children that that life is full of challenging situations and there will be many more situations wherein they will fail. When we nurture optimism, then you always show them to fight back with their hard work in any difficult situations.

Soon their resilient attitude will bring positive experiences which will be edged in their memory.  As they learn to be more positive and resilient during the most challenging situations of their life, they will be more successful.

  1. Surround your children with supportive family and friends.

When you are down and out then tell your children that it is fine to talk to the family members or close friends. It is important that your children are surrounded with a good network of family and friends who will empathize them.

Hurts and disappointments are part of life and so it is important that they have people with whom they can share their feelings at that point in time. When your children are connected with people, it provides them with good social support which helps in strengthening resilience.

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle of exercise and eating healthy meals.

Leading a healthy lifestyle will always help your children lead a healthy one. Daily exercising and eating healthy is going to keep their mind and body healthy. When they have a healthy established daily routine they are able to handle their challenges in a much better way.

Most of the time children have many different ways to react or respond to a challenging situation. Sometimes they might be emotional, defiant, angry, resentful or just might withdraw in any situation. If you help them in building their resilience from early childhood, they will be able to handle these situations in a better way.

  1. Try and model resiliency in your own circumstances.

Children are great observers and so should be observing you very carefully. They will be watching as to how you react to every situation. Parents are supposed to be role models for their children. When times are tough in your house, you need to deal with calmness and wisdom. For e.g, while facing any terminal sickness in the family stay strong and positive and having full faith in God.

  1. Teach them to overcome fear and take safe risks

Teach your children to face fear in the right way.  Overcoming fear is one of the most empowering things. Encourage them to face things that they are fearful about. Do not push them, but gently encourage them. Show them to think over the pros and cons of any decision which will help them to take the right decisions.

Teach them to take safe risks which have lesser consequences. This will build their confidence and over a period of time, they will be confident to take higher risks. Courage helps in building resilience in children.

  1. Avoid rescuing your children at every opportunity.

This is one of the most important thing that today’s parents should learn. Today we try to over-protect our children from any adversity and in the process, they do not experience any difficult situations. Remember that it is their life and you cannot lead their life. These difficult and challenging situations help  them to learn important life llessons.arly life lessons help children be responsible adults in future.

  1. Teach  your children to be open about change in life.

Children are averse to changes in life.  Sometimes they don’t want to try new things or explore things. Encourage them to explore and take safe risks. Whenever they have taken wrong decisions, explain to them the consequences of wrong decisions. Guide them to avoid such situations in future  so that they are thoughtful while deciding the future.

Every child is unique and  so you will have to deal with the situations differently. Try and help your children deal with these  situations appropriately so that resilience is build from childhood.

Hope you enjoyed this article How to Build Resilience in Your Children.

The post How to Build Resilience in Your Children appeared first on Smart Woman World.

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